Guru Arjan Dev: The Conspiracy Begins – Before long, Guru Arjan came to hear of something that really troubled him. He learned that his brother, Prithi Chand, was composing his own hymns and passing them off as compositions of Guru Nanak and other Sikh Gurus. Guru Arjan feared that if this continued, the Sikh religion would be undone and grossly …
Read More »Martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev
Martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev: Unfortunately, Akbar died soon after and the struggle for the Delhi throne began between his son, Jahangir, and grandson, Khusro. Jahangir’s son, Khusro, had a lot of respect for the Guru. When he was defeated in the battle, he left for Punjab and sought refuge with the Guru in Amritsar. The Guru told Khusro clearly …
Read More »Ganapathi and Kubera: Tale From Indian Classics
Ganapathi was the son of Lord Shiva. He was a short, fat boy with an elephant’s head. He was full of fun and frolic, and one day he broke one of his tusks while playing. He gave trouble if people took no notice of him. He stopped them from doing their work. He liked good food and wanted plenty to …
Read More »Vishvamitra: Popular Tales From Indian Classics
Vishvamitra is generally known as a great saint. But before he became a saint he was a great king. He ruled over a vast kingdom. He was very powerful. He waged wars against rival rulers and won all of them. Vishvamitra was very fond of hunting. One day he went into the jungles with a large number of attendants. He …
Read More »Markandeya: The boy who was always sixteen
There was once a great rishi (Saint) whose name was Mrikandu. Some times he felt very sad since he had no son. So he prayed to God Shiva day and night. At last, Shiva appeared before Mrikandu, and said: “Mrikandu! I am very pleased with your tapas (Prayer). Ask for any boon that you desire.” “O great God”, said Mrikandu, …
Read More »बुद्ध के प्रवचन: भगवान बुद्ध से जुड़ी कथाएँ
एक बार बुद्ध एक गांव में अपने किसान भक्त के यहां गए। शाम को किसान ने उनके प्रवचन का आयोजन किया। बुद्ध का प्रवचन सुनने के लिए गांव के सभी लोग उपस्थित थे, लेकिन वह भक्त ही कहीं दिखाई नहीं दे रहा था। गांव के लोगों में कानाफूसी होने लगी कि कैसा भक्त है कि प्रवचन का आयोजन करके स्वयं …
Read More »सिद्धार्थ कुमार: भगवान बुद्ध के बचपन का किस्सा
बुद्ध भगवान का बचपन का नाम सिद्धार्थ कुमार है। महाराज शुद्धोदन ने उनके लिए एक अलग बहुत बड़ा बगीचा लगवा दिया था। उसी बगीचे में वे एक दिन टहल रहे थे। इतने में आकाश से हंस पक्षी चीखता हुआ गिर पड़ा। राजकुमार सिद्धार्थ ने दौड़कर उस पक्षी को लिया। किसी ने हंस को बाण मारा था। वह बाण अब भी …
Read More »Arjuna and the Kirata: Classic Tale from India
The Pandavas were in exile. They had lost their kingdom and everything they had in a game of dice with their cousins the Kauravas. The Pandavas were living in jungles and the 12-year period of exile was nearing its end. They began to think of their future. They were not sure that the Kauravas would give them back their kingdom …
Read More »Banasura – Asur king: Tales From Indian Classics
There was once a powerful king whose name was Bana. He was an Asura, or demon. So he was known as Banasura. Banasura was so strong and fierce that everyone was afraid of him. Even the kings on earth and many gods in heaven feared him. Banasura was a devotee of Lord Shiva. He once worshiped Shiva with such devotion …
Read More »Kacha and Devayani: Tales From Indian Classics
The Devas and Asuras were always fighting each other. The Devas were from amongst the Gods. The Asuras were demons. The Asuras were powerful, capable of all kinds of wickedness. Some of them were great rulers and mighty kings. In their fight with the Devas the Asuras had an advantage. They had on their side a great saint and teacher, …
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