Tag Archives: Hindu Culture and Traditions in Andhra Pradesh

Makar Sankranti SMS For Students

Makar Sankranti

Makar Sankranti SMS: Makar Sankranti is one of the important Hindu festivals of India, celebrated with great enthusiasm across the length and breadth of the country. The festival holds significance, because it is the time, when the culmination of winter coincides with the harvest season. In the northern parts of India, the festival is called Sankranti or Lohri and in …

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Makar Sankranti History For Students

Makar Sankranti History

Makar Sankranti History: Makar Sankranti, or Sankranti is a popular Indian festival. It is celebrated in many parts of the country and also in some other parts of the world with great zeal and enthusiasm. It is a harvest festival which is basically celebrated in the Hindu communities. In Indian, the states of Bihar, Bengal, Punjab, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Rajasthan and …

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Makar Sankranti Wishes, SMS Messages For Facebook, Whatsapp

Makar Sankranti Wishes

Makar Sankranti Wishes: Sankranti means to go from one place to another place (transition of places). It also confluence and Makar means Capricorn. So, the time when the sun changes direction from one constellation (of the zodiac) to another, the occasion is known as Sankranti. On this occasion, Sun transits from Sagittarius and goes to Capricorn during the winter solstice …

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Makar Sankranti Customs & Traditions

Makar Sankranti

Makar Sankranti Customs & Traditions: Makar Sankranti is an important Hindu festival celebrated with religious fervor in almost all parts of India. The festival is celebrated to mark the beginning of the bountiful harvest season after few months of chilly winter. It falls on January 14, every year, as per the Solar calendar. Both geographic and religious significance are associated …

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Makar Sankranti Celebrations In India

Makar Sankranti

Makar Sankranti festival holds special significance in India. It is one of the important Hindu festivals, celebrated with pomp and gaiety across the length and breadth of the country, with different names and of course, by observing different rituals. The festival marks the commencement of Sun’s journey to the northern hemisphere, thereby making the days warmer and longer than the …

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Makar Sankranti Date & Significance of Uttarayana

Makar Sankranti Wishes

Makar Sankranti Date is considered to be one of the most auspicious festivals for the Hindus. It is celebrated in various parts of the country with extreme zeal and fervor. In Gujarat and Rajasthan, it is known Uttarayana while in Northern part of the country; it is known as Sankranti, in Tamil Nadu, it is known as Pongal. Apart from …

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Four Days of Pongal: The Harvest festival of Tamil Nadu

What is the Significance of Pongal festival?

Four Days of Pongal: A four-day harvest festival of Tamil Nadu, celebrated with gusto and fervor, by the Tamil in the state. All the four days of the festival (from 13th of January to 16th of January) are thoroughly enjoyed by the people. The festival is dedicated to Mother Nature, as farmers thank her for blessing them with bountiful crop. Each day …

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Pongal Dance: Harvest Folk Dances Karagaattam, Kummi, Mayil Attam

Pongal Dance

Pongal Dance: Pongal is one of the most important festivals in the state of Tamil Nadu, India. It is the only Hindu festival that follows a solar calendar and is celebrated on a fixed date i.e. the fourteenth of January every year. It is a harvest festival and celebrated in North India as Makar Sankranti. It also has an astronomical significance …

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Pongal Customs: Tamils Harvest Festival Customs & Traditions

Pongal Customs: Tamils Harvest Festival

Pongal Customs: The word Pongal, in both Telugu and Tamil, signifies the boiling over of the rice in the cooking pot. Though little is known about the origin of Pongal, it is known to a Dravidian harvest festival that has survived for ages. Pongal also marks the beginning of a New Year and is the day to praise and thank God …

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Pongal Around The World Celebrations


Pongal Around The World: The festival of Pongal is celebrated with zeal and fervor by the Tamilians in India as well as in any part of the world they reside. As this harvest festival is considered very auspicious, even the Tamils living abroad celebrate this festival with the wish of prosperity as well as for keeping their cultural ties with …

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