Our King tried to fight the giant with a big army. But Bakasura was very strong. He defeated the King and his army… A rakshasa, “man-eater” in epic Mahabharata Bakasura: A Rakshasa – The Pandavas and their mother, Kunti, wandered about the country in disguise. After some time they reached a city called Ekachakra. There they stayed in a brahmin’s house. …
Read More »Zacharias and Elizabeth: New Testament Part [II]
Stories from the Bible, Zacharias was priest and served at the Temple in Jerusalem… Zacharias and Elizabeth: Story from Bible Elizabeth, Mary’s cousin, was married to Zacharias. Zacharias was priest and served at the Temple in Jerusalem. Elizabeth and Zacharias had no children. Because they were old, they did not expect to have any. One day when Zacharias was busy …
Read More »The Shepherds Hear the Good News: New testament Part [IV]
There they found Mary and Joseph and Baby Jesus in the stable… The Shepherds Hear the Good News: Story From Bible The night Jesus was born, a group of shepherds were in the fields near Bethlehem. The shepherds were looking after their sheep. Suddenly, a great light shown around them, and an angel of the lord stood by them. The …
Read More »First Two Brothers: Old Testament Part [IV]
Stories from the Bible, Adam and Eve had a son who was called Cain. Later they had a second son called Abel… First Two Brothers: Old Testament Adam and Eve had a son who was called Cain. Later they had a second son called Abel. When the two sons grew up, Abel was a shepherd and Cain was a farmer. …
Read More »Mary and Joseph travel to Bethlehem: New Testament Part [III]
Stories from the Bible, Not long after they were married, the Roman Emperor, Augustus Caesar, wanted to make… Mary and Joseph travel to Bethlehem Mary was engaged to marry Joseph. After telling Mary she was to be the mother of the Son of God, the angel also spoke to Joseph. The angel told Joseph that Mary was to have a …
Read More »Markandeya: The boy who was always sixteen
There was once a great rishi (Saint) whose name was Mrikandu. Some times he felt very sad since he had no son. So he prayed to God Shiva day and night. At last, Shiva appeared before Mrikandu, and said: “Mrikandu! I am very pleased with your tapas (Prayer). Ask for any boon that you desire.” “O great God”, said Mrikandu, …
Read More »Tulsidas And Thieves: Old Classic Moral Story
Tulsidas And Thieves: Many years ago, when the great Emperor Akbar ruled at Delhi, there lived a man named Tulsidas who wrote the Ramayana. Valmiki wrote the Ramayana in Sanskrit, but Tulsidas wrote it in Hindi, the spoken language of the people. That is why Tulsidas’s Ramayana is more popular than that of Valmiki’s. It is enacted every year as …
Read More »Clever Swan: Story of a far-sighted swan
Clever Swan: Story of a far-sighted swan – Once upon a time there was a huge banyan tree in a forest. It was very old and its strong branches had spread for wide an all sides. A flight of swans had made their nests among the branches of this tree. They had been living safely in these nests for a …
Read More »किसान की घड़ी: एकाग्रता पर प्रेरक हिंदी बाल-कहानी
किसान की घड़ी: एक बार एक किसान की घड़ी कहीं खो गयी। वैसे तो घड़ी कीमती नहीं थी पर किसान उससे भावनात्मक रूप से जुड़ा हुआ था और किसी भी तरह उसे वापस पाना चाहता था। उसने खुद भी घड़ी खोजने का बहुत प्रयास किया, कभी कमरे में खोजता तो कभी बाड़े तो कभी अनाज के ढेर में… पर तामाम …
Read More »परमात्मा और किसान: बच्चों के लिए पौराणिक नीतिकथा
परमात्मा और किसान: एक बार एक किसान परमात्मा से बड़ा नाराज हो गया! कभी बाढ़ आ जाये, कभी सूखा पड़ जाए, कभी धूप बहुत तेज हो जाए तो कभी ओले पड़ जाये! हर बार कुछ ना कुछ कारण से उसकी फसल थोड़ी ख़राब हो जाये! एक दिन बड़ा तंग आ कर उसने परमात्मा से कहा, देखिये प्रभु, आप परमात्मा हैं, …
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