Mothers Day became a legal public holiday in USA in 1914, largely as the result of the efforts of Miss Anna Jarvis, of Philadelphia, USA. On May 8 of that year President Wilson approved a joint resolution of Congress providing that “the second Sunday in May shall hereafter be designated and known as Mothers Day”. Mothers Day in India 2023: May …
Read More »रेडक्रॉस: निःस्वार्थ सेवा का प्रतीक
रेडक्रॉस एक अंतर्राष्ट्रीय संस्था है जिसका प्रमुख उद्देश्य रोगियों, घायलों तथा युद्धकालीन बंदियों की देख-रेख करना है। रेडक्रॉस अभियान को जन्म देने वाले महान मानवता प्रेमी जीन हैनरी डयूनेन्ट (Jean Henri Dunant) का जन्म 08 मई, 1828 को हुआ था। उनके जन्म दिवस को विश्व रेडक्रॉस दिवस के रूप में पूरे विश्व में मनाया जाता है। विश्व रेडक्रॉस दिवस को …
Read More »World Laughter Day Information For Kids
World Laughter Day (WLD) is observed on the first Sunday of May. The World Laughter Day came into existence in 1998; the day was introduced by Dr. Madan Kataria, the founder of the worldwide Laughter Yoga Movement. WLD was first celebrated on 11 January, 1998 in Mumbai, India. It is well said that the strongest and most powerful emotion of …
Read More »Labour Day Information For Students
Labour Day Information: Labour Day / May Day, the first day of the month of May is celebrated all over India as a spring fertility festival to honour goddess spring. The day also commemorates the “International Workers’ Day” which has a historic significance. It is also a day of political protests. May Day is otherwise observed as a saint’s feast …
Read More »April Fools Day Facebook Covers
April Fools Day Facebook Covers For Students And Children: April Fools Day is celebrated every year on April 1 by playing practical jokes and spreading hoaxes. The jokes and their victims are called April fools. People playing April Fool jokes expose their prank by shouting April Fool. April Fools Day Facebook Covers April Fools Day Facebook Covers: April Fools Day: …
Read More »World TB Day Information (Tuberculosis)
World TB Day is celebrated every year by the people all across the world at international level on 24th March. It is celebrated to raise the common public awareness about the epidemic disease of tuberculosis as well as get their efforts in order to totally eradicate this disease. As around 1.7 million of the people are dying of this disease every …
Read More »World Meteorological Day Information
World meteorological day is celebrated all across the world by the member states meteorological organizations every year on 23rd March. It is an annual event being commemorated yearly by the almost 191 meteorological organization members worldwide as well as the worldwide meteorological communities using a particular chosen theme of the year in order to commemorate the establishment of the World …
Read More »World Vegan Day Information For Kids
The World Vegan Day is observed across the globe on 1st November annually; primarily to encourage people to turn pure vegetarian and abstain from consuming animal meat and if possible other dairy products. The day commemorates the formation day of ‘The Vegan Society’ in the United Kingdom in November 1944. The World Vegan Day should not be confused with the …
Read More »World Hepatitis Day Information
World Hepatitis Day (WHD – 28th July) World Hepatitis Day: Hepatitis is a most serious health disorder of an important body organ called liver. Without liver or liver with any chronic disease, one cannot imagine his / her healthy life. So, it is very necessary to eradicate the problems of liver and other body organs to live healthy live as …
Read More »World Environment Day Quiz For Students
World Environment Day Quiz For Students And Children: World Environment Day is celebrated on the 5th of June every year. World Environment Day Quiz: It was started in 1972 by the United Nations Assembly when the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment began. Every year, the UN chooses different themes and different locations for the celebrations. The first event was …
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