Yes Virginia, There is a Santa Claus: We take pleasure in answering at once and thus prominently the communication below, expressing at the same time our great gratification that its faithful author is numbered among the friends of The Sun: Dear Editor: I am 8 years old.Some of my little friends say there is no Santa Claus.Papa says “If you …
Read More »Sparrows’ Holiday: Christmas Folktale for Kids
Sparrows’ Holiday: Christmas Folktale for Kids – Mr. and Mrs. House Sparrow hopped round the garden looking for crumbs. But alas! Nobody threw any crumbs for the sparrows that day: At last Mr. Sparrow said: “All the people must be away on holiday.” “Then why don’t we go away on holiday?” chirped Mrs. Sparrow. Mr. Sparrow cocked his head on …
Read More »Christmas Carol of the Birds: Christmas Folktale
Do you know, when we are having such good times at Christmas, what sweet music they have in Norway (Europe), that cold country across the sea? One day in the year the simple peasants who live there make the birds very happy, so that they sing, of their own free-will, a glad, joyous carol on Christmas morning. And this is …
Read More »Christmas Day: Christmas Folktale for Students & Children
Christmas Day: Christmas Folktale “Boys,” said Mrs. Howard one morning, looking up from a letter she was reading, “I have had a letter from your grandmamma. She writes that she is returning to England shortly.” The boys went on with their breakfast without showing any great amount of interest in this piece of news, for they had never seen their …
Read More »Bhima and Hanuman: Mahabharata Story
Bhima and Hanuman: The Pandavas and the Kauravas lived in peace for some time. But the Kauravas were still jealous of the Pandavas and wanted to grab the whole kingdom. They invited the Pandavas to a game of dice and the Pandavas accepted the invitation. Sakuni cheated the Pandavas by using a loaded dice. The Kauravas won the game. The …
Read More »A Ball for Ben Badger: English Folktale For Students & kids
A Ball for Ben Badger: Ben Badger came out of his tunnel and went across the grass to his favourite tree. There he began to sharpen his claws, up and down the trunk. Scratch, scratch, scratch, went Ben, making his claws sharper every minute. Suddenly, as he scratched, something fell plop, right on to his head. Now, Ben’s favourite tree …
Read More »Cousins and Enemies: Story From Mahabharata
Cousins and Enemies: The Pandavas lived in the forest for a long time. It was difficult and dangerous to live there. The Kauravas believed that all the Pandavas would die in the forest. But the Pandavas did not die, and the twelve years they had to spend there were now coming to an end. The Kauravas did not want them …
Read More »Draupadi Swayamwara: Story From Mahabharata
Draupadi Swayamwara: The Pandavas were living in Ekachakra when they heard about the princess Draupadi. Draupadi was the daughter of Drupada, the King of Panchala. She was the most beautiful princess of the time. She was also talented and very noble. The kings and princes of many countries desired to marry her. Draupadi Swayamwara: Story from ‘Mahabharata’ is about the …
Read More »House of Lac: Classic Tale From Mahabharata
The story of the ‘Mahabharata’ is about the Pandavas and the Kauravas. House of Lac: Classic Tale From Mahabharata – The five Pandava brothers, Dharmaputra, Bhima, Arjuna, Nakula and Sahadeva, were the sons of Pandu, the King of Hastinapura. The Kauravas were the one hundred sons of Dhritarashtra, Pandu’s elder brother. Dhritarashtra was blind. The people did not want a …
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