एक मई को दुनिया के कई देशों में लेबर डे मनाया जाता है और इस दिन देश की लगभग सभी कंपनियों में छुट्टी रहती है। भारत ही नहीं दुनिया के करीब 80 देशों में इस दिन राष्ट्रीय छुट्टी होती है। हालांकि इस साल हरियाणा सरकार ने लेबर डे नहीं मनाने का फैसला किया है। भारत में मजदूर दिवस कामकाजी लोगों …
Read More »Earth Day Poetry For Students And Children
Earth Day was first celebrated on April 22, 1970 throughout the United States. Then to increase the awareness of the clean environment, the Earth Day was celebrated every year in the whole world. This year, the global theme of the 45th anniversary of ‘Prithvi Dill’ is inspiring everyone to come forward for environmental protection. On the occasion of Earth Day …
Read More »मातृ दिवस स्पेशल हिंदी कविता: जैसी माँ – निदा फ़ाज़ली
Nida Fazli, the son of Murtaza Hasan Baidi was born on October 12, 1938 in Delhi, to a Kashmiri family. At the time of partition, his parents migrated to Pakistan while Nida preferred to stay in India. He moved to Mumbai at an early age in search of job and started working for ‘Blitz’ and ‘Dharamyug’. He has also written …
Read More »China New Year: Short English Poetry For Kids
Firecrackers explode and bang, Cymbals and temple bells have rang. dragons parade through the street, Chinese new year, a yearly treat. Fireworks Explode in the skies, a special treat for children’s eyes. celebrations are all we hear, For the animal of the year. This year, however, is the best, dragons are king o’er all the rest. sixty years passed reaching …
Read More »दिवाली के त्यौहार पर कविता: आई रे आई दिवाली
आई रे आई दिवाली पटाखे तोहफे लायी दिवाली दिल को खुश करने आई दिवाली आई रे आई दिवाली आई रे आई दिवाली मज़े करते हुए बच्चे देखो मम्मी का ना पापा का डर है स्कूल का ना टीचर का डर है बल्ब फूल लगते पापा मंदिर सजाती देखो मम्मी बच्चे हैं खेलते कूदते पटाखों में एकदम मस्त हैं खाना देखो …
Read More »गरीब की दिवाली: एक हृदय विदारक कविता
पटाखों कि दुकान से दूर हाथों में, कुछ सिक्के गिनते मैंने उसे देखा। एक गरीब बच्चे कि आखों में, मैने दिवाली को मरते देखा। थी चाह उसे भी नए कपडे पहनने की, पर उन्ही पूराने कपडो को मैने उसे साफ करते देखा। हम करते है सदा अपने ग़मो कि नुमाईश, उसे चूप-चाप ग़मो को पीते देखा। जब मैने कहा, “बच्चे, …
Read More »Night of Nights: Poem on Death of Gandhiji
“If I’m to die by the bullet of a mad man, I must do so smiling. God must be in my heart and on my lips. And if anything happens, you are not to shed a single tear.” – Gandhiji, January 28, 1948 They gathered round him where he lay Upon a bed of dewy flowers: A smile upon his …
Read More »The Elephant: Short English Nursery Rhyme on Elephant
Elephant is a very big animal. It lives in the forest however it is a pet animal also. Some people keep it at home as a pet animal in order to earn money through circus. It is also kept in the zoo in order to enhance the glory of zoo as well as interest of kids. It has a big …
Read More »हम तो मस्त फकीर: गोपाल दास नीरज
Life is a temporary phase. We come into this world and leave one day. In between, many get too pre-occupied with hording wealth and name. Indian thought has always considered this tendency madness. Detachment with material things and love for humanity has always been the saintly advice in India. Here is reinforcement of this thought by Neeraj. हम तो मस्त …
Read More »जीवन कट गया: जीवन से रची बसी नीरज की कविता
A life ends, just like millions of lives end. Nothing very important from a wider perspective. One can analyze all one wants, but the basic fact remains that one life ended just as millions do. A lovely poem by Neeraj. जीवन कट गया: गोपाल दास नीरज जीवन कटना था, कट गया अच्छा कटा, बुरा कटा यह तुम जानो मैं तो यह …
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