Chinese Valentine’s Day: Valentine’s Day, the annual tribute to romantic love, is fast approaching. Florists, card shops, and chocolate vendors are all doing a raging business as lovers rush to purchase tokens of their affection. The Chinese also have a day devoted to love. Qi Qiao Jie, or the seventh eve, is often referred to as Chinese Valentine’s Day. While …
Read More »Christmas Day Information For Students, Children
Christmas Day Information: Christmas is a Government holiday in India. It is one of the two major Christian celebrations that are officially observed around the world. Along with Easter, it is considered a high holy day and a time of great celebration for Christians. In US & Europe, it is highly appropriate to throw a company Christmas party. The holiday’s …
Read More »Good Friday: Christian holiday commemorating crucifixion of Jesus
Good Friday is celebrated in April-May by the Christians in India to commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Lord Christ sacrificed himself on the cross for the sake of entire humanity. On this day Christians mourn Christ’s death and observe strict fast, and attend the services in the churches. Good Friday: St. Like’s Gospel describes Christ’s crucifixion in the following …
Read More »Eastern Orthodox Epiphany: Christianity
Eastern Orthodox Epiphany is a blessing of baptism and a second Christmas, comes after the traditional Christmas date of December 25 i.e. on January 6th. It is celebrated by Orthodox Christians as a high religious holiday. For Latin American countries, the Dia de Los Tres Reyes is more of a cultural than religious date, and a second Christmas for children. …
Read More »Easter Festival: Resurrection of Jesus Christ
Easter marks the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is a day of great rejoicing and merry-making. It is celebrated in March-April between 22nd March and 25th April on the Sunday following the full moon. Easter ceremonies correspond to Passover, the Jewish festival. It symbolizes the ultimate victory of good over evil. Feasts are given, sweets exchanged and processions taken out …
Read More »क्रिसमस की परंपरा: ईसाई धर्म में
क्रिसमस का त्योहार प्रतिवर्ष 25 दिसंबर को मनाया जाता है। इस दिन को बड़ा दिन भी कहते हैं। दुनिया में विभिन्न जाति एवं धर्म के लोग हैं। विभिन्न धर्मों के अनुयायी विभिन्न त्योहार मनाते हैं। हिन्दू धर्म में जो स्थान दिवाली, दशहरा जैसे त्योहारों का है, वही स्थान ईसाई धर्म में क्रिसमस का है। * जर्मनी से आई क्रिसमस वृक्ष …
Read More »क्रिसमस की कहानी विद्यार्थियों और बच्चों के लिए
क्रिसमस (Christmas) एक ऐसा त्यौहार है जिसे शायद दुनिया के सर्वाधिक लोग पूरे हर्षोल्लास के साथ मनाते हैं। आज यह त्यौहार विदेशों में ही नहीं बल्कि भारत में भी समान जोश के साथ मनाया जाता है। भारत की विविधतापूर्ण संस्कृति के साथ क्रिसमस का त्यौहार भी पूरी तरह घुल-मिल गया है। सदियों से यह त्यौहार लोगों को खुशियां बांटता और …
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