Indian Air Force Day: The Indian Air Force or the Bhartiya Vayu Sena is the air arm of the Indian Armed Forces. It was officially established on October 8, 1932. Central Air Command will celebrate the anniversary of Indian Air Force with great enthusiasm and fervor at various Air Stations all over the country on October 8. Indian Air Force …
Read More »Gandhi Jayanti Information For Students & Kids
Gandhi Jayanti — The birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, the father of the nation, is celebrated with reverence all over the country. He is the man who played a significant role in achieving independence for India from the British Empire with his simplicity and strong will power. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, also known as ‘Bapu’ or ‘Father of the Nation‘, was born …
Read More »World Deaf Day Information, History, Objectives & Promotion
World Deaf Day is observed “to create awareness among the public to show how much the deaf could contribute to society and the country’s economic growth”. World Deaf Day is celebrated every year in last week (last Sunday of the month of September) of the September to draw the attention of general public, politician and development authorities towards the achievements …
Read More »World Tourism Day Information, Theme, Banner & Greeting Cards
World Tourism Day: Since 1980, the United Nations World Tourism Organization has celebrated World Tourism Day (WTD) as international observances on September 27. This date was chosen as on that day in 1970, the Statutes of the UNWTO were adopted. The adoption of these Statutes is considered a milestone in global tourism. The purpose of this day is to raise …
Read More »National Nutrition Week: Rashtriya Poshan Maah, Theme & History
National Nutrition Week is celebrated each year from 1st September to the 7th September to aware the people about important tips of their health and well-being. Through the national nutrition week campaign people from all over the world can be educated to maintain their look and feel better. National Nutrition Week: Rashtriya Poshan Maa (1 – 7 September) People can …
Read More »National Sports Day: Date, Celebration, History, Facebook Banners
National Sports Day: Different countries celebrate their National Sports Day on dates as per their own history and dates, declared by their sports committee. The National Sports Day in India (also called Rashtriya Khel Divas) is celebrated on 29th August every year with a lot of enthusiasm and sportsmanship. People from all the age groups take part in sports like; …
Read More »कारगिल विजय दिवस: ऑपरेशन विजय, युद्ध के नायक
कारगिल विजय दिवस स्वतंत्र भारत के लिये एक महत्वपूर्ण दिवस है। इसे हर साल 26 जुलाई को मनाया जाता है। कारगिल युद्ध लगभग 60 दिनों तक चला और 26 जुलाई को उसका अंत हुआ। इसमें भारत की विजय हुई। इस दिन कारगिल युद्ध में शहीद हुए जवानों के सम्मान हेतु मनाया जाता है। तिथि: मई – जुलाई 1999 स्थान: कारगिल …
Read More »National Flag Adoption Day: Date, History, Celebration, Banners
Indian National Flag Adoption Day Information: National Flag Adoption Day is used to celebrate on the 22nd July to make the people aware about the Indian Flag which represents the Whole Nation consists of the Crores of the Indian People. India got freedom from the rule of the Britishers and they got freedom on the 15th August 1947 where all the people …
Read More »World Population Day: 11 July Theme, Cards, Banners, Celebration
World Population Day is an international level awareness campaign being celebrated all over the world to call people on stage to know the reason of this exploding population year by year as well as solve the big mistake of whole human fraternity. This great awareness event is to bring a population revolution globally as well as breaking sleep of all …
Read More »National Doctors Day Information, Theme, Banners, Greeting Cards
National Doctors Day Information: Doctors on earth are like Gods in the heaven. A special day is observed to thank them for their humane services to mankind. Every year July 1 is ‘Doctors Day‘ which is very special for every medical practitioner. First Doctors Day was celebrated in 1991. Every doctor of any specialization acknowledges the entire medical profession. The …
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