National Farmers Day: Chaudhary Charan Singh Jayanti or the birth anniversary of Ch. Charan Singh is on December 23. It is observed as Kisan Diwas or Farmers day. Since, farmers are the backbone of an economy therefore our nation celebrates Farmers Day in the memory of late Ch. Charan Singh, the ex-Prime Minister of India. He was primarily a farmer …
Read More »Minorities Rights Day in India: Date, History, Theme, Significance
Minorities Rights Day in India is a very significant day in order to promote and preserve the rights of people belonging to linguistic, religion, castes and color minority. In India, frequent disagreements and discussion on majority-minority issues creep up creating religious and political disharmony. Even though the Indian Constitution has always advocated and provided equal and fair rights to all …
Read More »National Energy Conservation Day: Date, Theme, Activities, Importance
The National Energy Conservation Day is being celebrated every year on December 14 since 1991. The Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), under Ministry of Power spearheads the celebrations every year. National Energy Conservation Day: Objective National Energy Conservation Day is celebrated every year with a special theme to make some goals and objectives more influential among the people. It is …
Read More »All India Handicrafts Week: Date, History, Celebration & Objectives
All India handicrafts week is celebrated every year all over the India by the people from 8th of December to the 14th of December. It is celebrated in every state of the country with great enthusiasm for increasing the awareness, support and importance in the society among people for the handicrafts. In the Imphal (Capital city of Manipur state), a …
Read More »Armed Forces Flag Day Information, History, Celebration, Cards
Armed Forces Flag Day is celebrated all over India every year on 7th of December in order to collect the funds from people all around the country for the well being of the staff of the Indian Armed Forces. It was first celebrated in India on 7th of December in the year 1949. Since 1949, it has become a ritual …
Read More »Human Rights Day: Date, Information, Theme, UDHR, Banners
Human Rights Day (HRD) is commemorated every year all over the world on 10th of December. It was first announced to be celebrated every year by the United Nations General Assembly on 10th of December in the year 1948. It is celebrated at this particular date annually to honor the United Nations General Assembly for declaring the human rights universally. …
Read More »Dr. Ambedkar Mahaparinirvan Diwas: Death Anniversary
Dr. Ambedkar Mahaparinirvan Diwas would be celebrated on 6th of December – every year. Therefore Dr. Ambedkar Mahaparinirvan Diwas (death anniversary) would be celebrated on coming 6th December. Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Mahaparinirvan Din: 06 December Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar had died on 6th of December in the 1956 that’s why Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Mahaparinirvan Din or death anniversary is celebrated …
Read More »International Volunteer Day: Date, History, Theme, Celebration, Banners
International Volunteer Day for Economic and Social Development is celebrated every year internationally all over the world on 5th of December. This event celebration provides a great chance to all the individual volunteers and organizations of volunteers to show their contributions at the international, national and local levels in order to get the Millennium Development Goals. International Volunteer Day: Date …
Read More »Navy Day In India Information, Date, Celebration, Theme & Cards
Navy Day In India Information For Kids: Navy day in India is observed on 4th of December every year to celebrate the magnificence, achievements and role of the naval force to the country. Indian navy is the marine branch (means naval branch) of the India’s armed forces which led by the President of India as a Commander-in-Chief of the Indian …
Read More »International Day of Disabled Persons Information, History, Theme
International day of disabled persons was started celebrating internationally on 3rd of December every year and promoted as an international observance by the United Nations from 1992. The day was greatly emphasized to celebrate it yearly in order to promote the awareness about the people with disabilities as well as to encourage them by implementing a lot of assistance in their …
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