There was once a great rishi (Saint) whose name was Mrikandu. Some times he felt very sad since he had no son. So he prayed to God Shiva day and night. At last, Shiva appeared before Mrikandu, and said: “Mrikandu! I am very pleased with your tapas (Prayer). Ask for any boon that you desire.” “O great God”, said Mrikandu, …
Read More »Clever Swan: Story of a far-sighted swan
Clever Swan: Story of a far-sighted swan – Once upon a time there was a huge banyan tree in a forest. It was very old and its strong branches had spread for wide an all sides. A flight of swans had made their nests among the branches of this tree. They had been living safely in these nests for a …
Read More »Donkey And The Emperor: Rib Tickling Tale
Donkey And The Emperor: One day, Emperor Akbar and Birbal went together for a walk. At the sunset Birbal sat down on the river-bank and performed ‘sandhya’ — the Hindu ritual. The Emperor was very much impressed. He said to Birbal, “Birbal, tell me how to perform ‘sandhya’. I like it very much and I too like to do it.” …
Read More »Wail Of The River: Rib Tickling Indian Folktale
In was rainy season. Yamuna river was running in spate and overflowing. The gushing water was making a loud noise. The Emperor’s palace was situated on the river bank. He was fast asleep. It was a peaceful night and so, the frightening sound of the roaring river could be heard very clearly. Wail Of The River: Rib Tickling Take of …
Read More »An angel and a witch: Akbar & Birbal Moral Story
One day, the Emperor expressed his desire to see an angel and an ugly witch. He expressed his wish to Birbal. The next day, Birbal came to the court along with his wife and a prostitute. Then presenting his wife he said to the Emperor, “Maharaj, this is an angel. I get endless satisfaction and happiness from her.” The Emperor …
Read More »A dog and a son-in-law: Witty tale of Akbar Birbal
One day, Emperor Akbar said to Birbal, “Birbal! Bring me two such animals – one of which has a sense of gratitude and the other who forgets all this and takes to treachery.” After thinking deeply over the matter, Birbal brought a dog and his own son-in-law to the court. He presented them before the Emperor, and said, “Maharaj, I …
Read More »Dark Below The Lamp: Moral Story From Akbar Birbal
Dark Below The Lamp: Once, the Emperor and Birbal were sitting in the palace balcony and watching the sunrise. The sunrays falling on the sparkling waters of the Yamuna river gave it a golden sheen. The Emperor used to watch this natural beauty everyday. Suddenly, their attention was diverted due to a loud noise. They noticed some thieves running after …
Read More »Singing Fakir: Tale of Birble in the guise of a fakir
Once an unknown fakir (saint) came wandering to the Emperor’s palace and sat on the parapet. He was praying and singing. Hours passed, but he showed no signs of leaving the place. The servants asked him to leave the palace but he did not listen to them. Since he was a fakir, it was not possible to apply force to …
Read More »Daulat: Rib Tickling Tale of Akbar Birbal
One day Daulat, a slave, who worked at Emperor Akbar’s court, made some mistake and incurred his wrath. Emperor Akbar asked him to leave the court. He went to Birbal’s house. Birbal listened to him and suggested, “Once again, you go to the court and ask the Emperor, “Daulat has come, should he stay or leave”? The Emperor was surprised …
Read More »Gold Coins: Famous Akbar-Birbal Moral Story
The wisdom of Birbal was unparalleled during the reign of Emperor Akbar. But Akbar’s brother-in-law was extremely jealous of him. He asked the Emperor to dispense with Birbal’s services and appoint him in his place. He gave ample assurance that he would prove to be more efficient and capable than Birbal. Before Akbar could take a decision on this matter, …
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