Tag Archives: Saints And Gurus Facebook Covers

Spiritual Gurus Facebook Covers: Saints Posters & Banners

Spiritual Gurus Facebook Covers

Spiritual Gurus Facebook Covers: Anyone interested in the spirituality and mediations looks for a Guru or a teacher who can guide him in the right direction. The land of India is full of Gurus, spiritual as well as religious. These are the people who have promoted spirituality, meditation, love, peace, brotherhood, serving others and other such humanitarian values to people …

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Sikhism Facebook Covers, Gurpurab Photos, Banners & Posters

Sikhism Facebook Covers

Sikhism Facebook Covers: Collection of FB Covers for Sikh’s religious events, ceremonies and Gurpurab. Gurpurabs are very auspicious and important celebrations for Sikhs, which marks the birth or death anniversaries of the Sikh Gurus. So right-click the images you find appropriate for your Facebook Profile. Save it on to your computer desktop or Smartphone photo gallery. Later upload it to …

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Mahavir Jayanti Facebook Covers, Banners and Posters

Mahavir Jayanti Facebook Covers

Mahavir Jayanti Facebook Covers: The religious festival of Mahavir Jayanti is celebrated by the Jain community to commemorate the birth of the Lord Mahavira. Mahavira was the 24th and the last Tirthankara (enlightened being). He was born in 599 BCE to King Siddhartha and Queen Trishala. Jainism is an ancient religion from India that teaches that the way to liberation …

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Good Friday Facebook Covers: Crucifixion of Jesus Christ Banners

Good Friday Facebook Covers

Good Friday Facebook Covers For Students: The Friday before Easter is the most solemn day for Christians – it is the day on which Jesus Christ died on the cross. This day is known as Good Friday, Holy Friday, Great Friday or Black Friday. As such, Good Friday is a day of mourning, and all the ceremonies and rituals of …

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Hinduism Facebook Covers For Students

Hinduism Facebook Covers For Students And Children: Collection of FB Covers for Hindu’s religious events, ceremonies and festivities. Hinduism is a religion, or a way of life, found most notably in India and Nepal. With approximately one billion followers, Hinduism is the world’s third largest religion by population, and the majority religion in India, Nepal, Mauritius and Bali (Indonesia). Hinduism …

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