Tag Archives: Social Science Questions for Students

What is the contribution of Subhash Chandra Bose in national struggle?

What is the contribution of Subhash Chandra Bose in national struggle?

The contribution of Subhash Chandra Bose is no less. He has been denied his rightful place in the annals of Indian history. He founded Indian National Army (Azad Hind Fauj) to overthrow British Empire from India and came to acquire legendary status among Indian masses. Subhash also announced the formation of the Independence League. Subhash Chandra Bose was jailed during …

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Subhas Chandra Bose: Plot of Death

Subhas Chandra Bose - Plot of Death

Subhas Chandra Bose: Plot of Death – In the late afternoon of August 18, 1945, twelve persons with burns were wheeled into Nanmon Military Hospital, Taihoku, Taipei, shortly after a message reached the duty doctor that a Japanese bomber carrying them had crashed at a nearby aerodrome. One of the victims, a well-built Indian, had burns all over his body, …

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Is the controversy about Netaji Subhash Chandar Bose death important to his daughter Anita Bose-Pfaff?

Is the controversy about Netaji Subhash Chandar Bose death important to his daughter Anita Bose-Pfaff?

Is the controversy about Netaji Subhash Chandar Bose death important to his daughter Anita Bose-Pfaff? NO. She is interested in how he lived. And, how he died is no longer relevant. The whole country knows that during the freedom movement, Nothing positive was done by certain parties. One certain ex-PM was involved as a British informer, and one certain other …

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Is it true that Bhagwanji, also known as Gumnami Baba was actually Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose?

Is it true that Bhagwanji, also known as Gumnami Baba was actually Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose?

Bhagwanji, also known as Gumnami Baba, was a mysterious Indian monk who in 1985 lived at Ram Bhawan in Faizabad, near Ayodhya in Uttar Pradesh. Till date, his real identity and activities remain obscure. A great number of people maintain that he was the Indian freedom fighter Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose, living incognito. People who support such a stand challenge …

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What is the story behind currency issued by Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose?

What is the story behind currency issued by Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose?

What is the story behind currency issued by Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose? Any thing related to national hero Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose presents excitement, inspiration and positive energy to real patriots. A novel thing on this great patriot surfaced in Madhya Pradesh on the eve of 113th Netaji Jayanti when a currency with a denomination of one lakh issued by …

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Was Netaji Subhash: Ideology of Fusion?

Was Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose - Ideology of Fusion?

Was Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose: Ideology of Fusion? As early as 1930 – in his inaugural speech as mayor of Calcutta – the fervent young Bose first expressed his support for a fusion of socialism and fascism: “… I would say we have here in this policy and program a synthesis of what modern Europe calls Socialism and Fascism. We …

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What is the Bonfire Ritual in Lohri?

What is the Bonfire Ritual in Lohri Festival?

What is the Bonfire Ritual in Lohri Festival? In the evening, with the setting of the sun, huge bonfires are lit in the harvested fields and in the front yards of houses and people gather around the rising flames, circle around (parikrama) the bonfire and throw puffed rice, popcorn and other munchies into the fire, shouting “Aadar aye dilather jaye” …

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What are customs and legends of Lohri?

What are the customs & legends of Lohri?

What are customs and legends of Lohri? In the morning on Lohri day, children go from door to door singing and demanding the Lohri ‘loot’ in the form of money and eatables like til (sesame) seeds, peanuts, jaggery, or sweets like gajak, rewri, etc. They sing in praise of Dulla Bhatti, a Punjabi avatar of Robin Hood who robbed the …

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What is the Significance of Lohri?

What is the Significance of Lohri?

What is the Significance of Lohri? In Punjab, the breadbasket of India, wheat is the main winter crop, which is sown in October and harvested in March or April. In January, the fields come up with the promise of a golden harvest, and farmers celebrate Lohri during this rest period before the cutting and gathering of crops. Significance of Lohri: …

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Why does Orthodox Church celebrate Christmas on January 7?

Why does the Orthodox Church celebrate Christmas on January 7?

The Orthodox Church uses the old Julian calendar which is 13 days behind the Gregorian calendar. In the former Soviet Republic, the Bolsheviks adopted the Gregorian calendar at the end of 1917, which put them in line with the rest of the Western world. However, the Orthodox Church, opposed to the Bolsheviks trying to suppress religion, kept the Julian calendar. …

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