Tag Archives: Social Science Questions for Students

What is Easter Island? Facts, Moai monoliths, World Heritage Site

What is Easter Island?

Easter Island has been synonymous with the huge, spectacular stone monoliths, known as Moais, which once dotted its landscape. Located over 2,000 miles from the nearest population center, (Tahiti and Chile), it is one of the most isolated places on Earth. What is Easter Island? In the 1860s, Tahitian sailors gave the island the name Rapa Nui, meaning ‘Great Rapa‘ …

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What is Social Significance of Holi?

What is Social Significance of Holi?

What is Social Significance of Holi? Holi helps to bring the society together and strengthen the secular fabric of our country India. For, the festival is celebrated by non-Hindus also as everybody like to be a part of such a colorful and joyous festival. Also, the tradition of the Holi is that even the enemies turn friends on Holi and …

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What is Mythological Significance of Holi?

What is Mythological Significance of Holi?

What is Mythological Significance of Holi? Holi brings us close to our religion and the mythological significance of Holi is connected with various legends. The most important of them is the legend associated with Prahlad and Hiranyakshyap. It is from there that burning the Holika tradition generated. There is another legend of Holi connecting Radha and Krishna, which is when …

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What is Legend of Holika and Prahlad?

What is Legend of Holika and Prahlad?

What is Legend of Holika and Prahlad? There was once a demon king by the name of Hiranyakashyap who won over the kingdom of earth. He was so egoistic that he commanded everybody in his kingdom to worship only him. But to his great disappointment, his son, Prahlad became an ardent devotee of Lord Narayana and refused to worship his …

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What is Significance of Holi?

What is Significance of Holi?

What is Significance of Holi? In spite of being such a colorful and gay festival, there are various aspects of Holi which makes it so significant for our lives. Though they might not be so apparent but a closer look and a little thought will reveal the significance of Holi in more ways than meets the eyes. Ranging from socio-cultural, …

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What is Holi Pooja Process?

What is Holi Pooja Process?

What is Holi Pooja Process? Holika Dahan preparations begin almost 40 days before the festival. People start gathering woods on the important crossroads of the city in India. Holi Pooja or Holika takes place on an auspicious time in the evening a day before the Holi festival. Given below are the steps and rituals for the Holi Pooja: Holi Pooja Process: …

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What are Shivaratri Traditions? Shivaratri Fast, Celebration, Significance

What are Shivaratri Traditions?

What are Shivaratri Traditions? Various traditions and customs related to Shivaratri Festival are dutifully followed by the worshipers of Lord Shiva. Devotees observe strict fast in honor of Shiva, though many go on a diet of fruits and milk some do not consume even a drop of water. Devotees strongly believe that sincere worship of Lord Shiva on the auspicious …

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What is Shivaratri Fast? Merits, Customs and Traditions of Vrat

Maha Shivaratri Fast: Hindu Culture & Traditions

Shivaratri Fast is considered to be the most important fast for the devotees of Lord Shiva. Shiva Purana goes on to say that if a devotee observes Shivaratri Vrata with sincerity, pure devotion and love he is blessed with the divine grace of Lord Shiva. Every year devotees observe Maha Shivaratri fast with devotion and sincerity. Though many go on …

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What is Maha Shivaratri Festival? The Night of Shiva Celebration

What is Mahashivaratri Festival?

What is Maha Shivaratri Festival? Maha Shivaratri Festival or the “The Night of Shiva” is celebrated with devotion and religious fervor in honor of Lord Shiva, one of the deities of Hindu Trinity. Shivaratri falls on the moonless 14th night of the new moon in the Hindu month of Phalgun, which corresponds to the month of February – March in …

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What is Shivaratri Pooja? Mahashivratri Celebration, Process, Merit

What is Shivaratri Pooja? Mahashivratri

Shivaratri Pooja has been given tremendous significance in Hindu mythology. It is said that ritual worship of Lord Shiva on a Shivaratri day pleases Lord Shiva the most. Devotees further believe that by pleasing Lord Shankara on the auspicious Shivaratri day, a person is absolved of past sins and is blessed with Moksha or salvation. Merits of Shivaratri Puja: According …

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