Shivaratri Pooja has been given tremendous significance in Hindu mythology. It is said that ritual worship of Lord Shiva on a Shivaratri day pleases Lord Shiva the most. Devotees further believe that by pleasing Lord Shankara on the auspicious Shivaratri day, a person is absolved of past sins and is blessed with Moksha or salvation. Merits of Shivaratri Puja: According …
Read More »Why Hindus worship Goddess Saraswati on Basant Panchami?
As ‘Diwali’ – the festival of light – is to Lakshmi, goddess of wealth and prosperity, and ‘Navratri’ is to Durga, goddess of power and valor, Vasant Panchami is to Saraswati, the goddess of knowledge and arts. This festival is celebrated every year on the 5th day or ‘Panchami’ of the bright fortnight of the lunar month of Magha, which …
Read More »आखिर 26 जनवरी को ही क्यों मनाया जाता है गणतंत्र दिवस?
26 जनवरी: गणतंत्र दिवस – आज पूरा भारत रिपब्लिक डे मना रहा है। राजपथ पर आज के दिन भारत के राष्ट्रपति तिरंगा फहराते हैं लेकिन क्या आप जानते हैं यह 26 जनवरी को ही क्यों मनाया जाता है? पहली बार राष्ट्रीय ध्वज कहां फहराया था? तो आइए हम आपको बताते हैं कि रिपब्लिक डे के बारे में कुछ ऐसे फैक्ट्स …
Read More »When is Thai Pongal Celebrated?
When is Thai Pongal Celebrated? Thai Pongal is celebrated on January 14th every year. The month of Thai (January) is the harvest season in the Tamil homeland spanning from Tamil Nadu to Tamil Eelam. Pongal refers to rice cooked in milk and sweetened with brown sugar (chakkarai, from which the English word jaggery is derived). On a full scale it …
Read More »What is Significance of Pongal festival?
What is the Significance of Pongal festival? Everybody knows about the celebration of Pongal but hardly anyone knows about its significance and meaning. People celebrating Pongal should be aware of the meaning & significance of the important rituals associated with this harvest festival. Pongal or Thai Pongal is also called Makar Sankranti, since it is celebrated on the first day …
Read More »What is Surya Pongal? Puja Preparation, Process & Delicacies
What is Surya Pongal? The second day is dedicated to Lord Surya, the Sun God, who is offered boiled milk and jaggery. A plank is placed on the ground, a large image of the Sun God is sketched on it and Kolam designs are drawn around it. This icon of the Sun God is worshiped for divine benediction as the …
Read More »What is the history of Pongal? Ancient festival of the Tamils
What is the history of Pongal? The history of Pongal can be traced back to the Sangam Age, ie, 200 B.C. to 300 A.D. Pongal is an ancient festival of the Tamils and it is not known when exactly the Tamils began celebrating the festival, but some historians identify it with the Thai Un and Thai Niradal, believed to have …
Read More »What is Mattu Pongal? Third day is meant for the cattle
Mattu Pongal: This third day is meant for the cattle (‘mattu’) – the giver of milk and puller of the plough. The farmer’s ‘dumb friends’ are given a good bath, their horns are polished, painted and covered with metal caps, and garlands are put around their necks. The Pongal that has been offered to the gods is then given to …
Read More »What is Pongal? Tamils Hindu Harvest Festival Thai Pongal
Why it is a Harvest Festival? Pongal comes from the word ‘ponga’ which literally means ‘boil’ and so ‘pongal’ connotes ‘spillover’ or that which is ‘overflowing’. It’s also the name of the special sweet dish cooked on the Pongal day. Pongal continues through the first four days of the ‘Thai’ month that starts on January 14 every year. What is …
Read More »When is Pongal festival? Harvest Festival
Pongal festival is celebrated for four continuous days beginning from the last day of Tamil month of Maargazhi (December – January) and lasting upto the third day of Thai. Pongal is celebrated in the month of January after the winter solstice. When is Pongal festival? The date of Pongal usually remains same as it is reckoned according to the solar …
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