King Shibi was a great ruler. Everything he did was right and noble. He was very kind-hearted. He loved his subjects like his children. He loved animals too and looked after their welfare. He was very charitable and no needy man went away from him without help. He protected the weak against the strong. If anybody sought asylum with him, …
Read More »Arjuna and the Kirata: Classic Tale from India
The Pandavas were in exile. They had lost their kingdom and everything they had in a game of dice with their cousins the Kauravas. The Pandavas were living in jungles and the 12-year period of exile was nearing its end. They began to think of their future. They were not sure that the Kauravas would give them back their kingdom …
Read More »Banasura – Asur king: Tales From Indian Classics
There was once a powerful king whose name was Bana. He was an Asura, or demon. So he was known as Banasura. Banasura was so strong and fierce that everyone was afraid of him. Even the kings on earth and many gods in heaven feared him. Banasura was a devotee of Lord Shiva. He once worshiped Shiva with such devotion …
Read More »Kacha and Devayani: Tales From Indian Classics
The Devas and Asuras were always fighting each other. The Devas were from amongst the Gods. The Asuras were demons. The Asuras were powerful, capable of all kinds of wickedness. Some of them were great rulers and mighty kings. In their fight with the Devas the Asuras had an advantage. They had on their side a great saint and teacher, …
Read More »वीर राजपूत नारी कृष्णा की लोक कथा
मेवाड़ के महाराजा भीमसिंह की पुत्री कृष्णा अत्यन्त सुन्दरी थी। उससे विवाह करने के लिये अनेक वीर राजपूत उत्सुक थे। जयपुर और जोधपुर के नरेशों ने उससे विवाह करने की इच्छा प्रकट की थी। मेवाड़ के महाराणा ने सब बातों को विचार करके जोधपुर नरेश के यहाँ अपनी पुत्री की सगाई भेजी। जब जयपुर के नरेश को इस बात का …
Read More »Yes Virginia, There is a Santa Claus
We take pleasure in answering at once and thus prominently the communication below, expressing at the same time our great gratification that its faithful author is numbered among the friends of The Sun: Dear Editor: I am 8 years old.Some of my little friends say there is no Santa Claus.Papa says “If you see it in The Sun it’s so.”Please …
Read More »Sparrows’ Holiday: Christmas Folktale for Kids
Mr. and Mrs. House Sparrow hopped round the garden looking for crumbs. But alas! Nobody threw any crumbs for the sparrows that day: At last Mr. Sparrow said: “All the people must be away on holiday.” “Then why don’t we go away on holiday?” chirped Mrs. Sparrow. Mr. Sparrow cocked his head on one side. “Yes, we will have a …
Read More »आज़ादी: शराबी शेर की कहानी
एक जंगल में कुछ शिकारी आये। उन्होंने जाल बिछाया और एक शेर को पकड लिया। पिंजरे में शेर को बंध कर वो शहर ले आये, एक वैज्ञानिक ने उस शेर को ऊंचे दाम देकर खरीद लिया। उस वैज्ञानिक का मासूम प्राणियो पर तरह तरह के प्रयोग करना मनपसंद विषय था। इंसानों द्वारा प्रयोग की जाने वाली चीजो का प्राणियो पर …
Read More »A Beautiful Animal Tale of True Friendship
Chinky Sparrow used to live with its children in a beautiful nest, on a huge tree in Champakvan. She goes out every morning to peck grains in order to feed her young ones. Ila Ant lived at the root of the banyan tree. One day, Ila was sick. She could not even walk properly. Chinky Sparrow asked Ant “Sister, it …
Read More »“अभी दिल्ली दूर है” की कहावत और हजरत निज़ामुद्दीन औलिया
मध्यकाल में दिल्ली ही नहीं बल्कि सारे भारत के जनजीवन पर सूफियों का बड़ा प्रभाव था। यद्यपि सुलतान इसलाम के पालक और संरक्षक थे, मुल्लों और कठमुल्लों के बहकावे मे आ कर हिंदू प्रजा पर मनमाने अत्याचार भी करते थे। लेकिन सुलतान के अधिकांश अमीरों, विशेषतः आम जनता का सूफीमत की ओर अधिक झुकाव था। सूफी धर्म भारत के अद्वैतवाद …
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