Largest replica bag: Malaysia breaks Guinness World Records record

Largest replica bag: Malaysia breaks Guinness World Records record

Ipoh, Malaysia – February 24, 2016 – The world’s largest holdall bag, which took 1,492 people six months to put together, is being exhibited in Ipoh; sewn together using 2,984 old t-shirts, the 7.62m long, 3.04m wide and 5.44m high, the world’s biggest replica bag is part of a sewing exhibition being held at the Ipoh Parade Shopping Mall.

Photo: The world’s largest holdall bag, which took 1,492 people six months to put together, is being exhibited in Ipoh. Sewn together using 2,984 old t-shirts, the 7.62m long, 3.04m wide and 5.44m high, the world’s biggest replica bag is part of a sewing exhibition being held at the Ipoh Parade Shopping Mall.

The Guinness World Records world record for the largest paper shopping bag is 22.5 m (73 ft 9.8 in) long, 15.4 m (50 ft 6.2 in) wide and 3.36 m (11 ft 0.2 in) deep, achieved by Jon Marling and the Paper Bag Co (both UK) as measured in Bristol, UK, on 23 September 2015.

Guinness World Records also recognized the world record for the largest shopping bag; it measured 83.82 m (275 ft) high (not including handles) and 38.10 m (125 ft) wide. The bag was made by Raj Bahadur and displayed in Gaziabad, India, on 9 February 2009. The bag was made of 100% cotton.

The world’s largest holdall bag, which took 1,492 people six months to put together, is being exhibited in Ipoh.

Sewn together using 2,984 old t-shirts, the 7.62m long, 3.04m wide and 5.44m high, the world’s biggest replica bag is part of a sewing exhibition being held at the Ipoh Parade Shopping Mall.

The sewing exhibition is jointly organised by Persatuan Seni Jahitan Kreatif Malaysia, Epal Handicraft Training Centre and Koperasi Dagang Seni Malaysia.

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