Photo: Cardinal Zen of Hong Kong blesses the World’s Longest Raisin Loaf which was used by Catholic charities for raising money to help the elderly.
The Guinness World Records world record for the longest braided loaf of bread is 6.09 m (20 ft) and was achieved by Project Inspire in Brooklyn, New York, USA, on 22 October 2015.
Guinness World Records also recognized the world record for the longest garlic bread is 16.71 m (54 ft 10 in) long and was made by Etienne Thériault (Canada) at École Ola-Léger, in Bertrand, Canada, on 6 July 2013.
The record-setting attempt was initiated by Love in Ripples, a charity group for the elderly, and the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Ozanam Centre.
Caritas La Vie Bakery, a social enterprise established by Caritas-Hong Kong in 2004 to provide vocational training for recovering psychiatric patients, provided the ingredients and baking facilities.
The fundraising project, which started in late April, aims to enable elderly people living alone to join a local Personal Emergency Link Service (PELS) operated by the Senior Citizen Home Safety Association.