Most nationalities in a simultaneous popular music sing-along: London Business School breaks Guinness World Record

Most nationalities in a simultaneous popular music sing-along: London Business School breaks Guinness World Record

London, UK – April 5, 2016 – A chorus of voices burst out singing John Lennon’s Imagine in Lisson Grove as students and staff at London Business School set a new World Record for the most nationalities singing the same popular song at once; representing more than 71 countries, over 200 people took part in the record attempt.

Photo: Students and staff at London Business School set a new World Record for the most nationalities singing the same popular song at once. Representing more than 71 countries, over 200 people took part in the record attempt. 

The Guinness World Records world record for the most nationalities in a simultaneous popular music sing-along is 72 and was achieved by the London Business School, in London, UK, on 26 February 2016. A total of 224 valid participants took part in the attempt accounting for 72 different nationalities. They sang ‘Imagine’ by John Lennon and the singing lasted for 3 minutes and 47 seconds.

Guinness World Records also recognized the world record for the most people in a singing relay is 296 and was achieved by Santosh Rungta Group of Institutions (India) in Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India, on 19 April 2014.

Students and staff at London Business School set a new World Record for the most nationalities singing the same popular song at once.

Representing more than 71 countries, over 200 people took part in the record attempt.

Tarana Shivdasani, social affairs officer from the LBS Student Association, said: “Our World Record showcases the diversity of the London Business School community and our communal spirit.”

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